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Join EAAMO Bridges

EAAMO Bridges community is open to researchers, policymakers, and practitioners from various organizations who are interested in using techniques from algorithms, optimization, and mechanism design to support historically underserved communities. We value diversity and welcome people from all over the world to join us and share their perspectives.

This page explains how to join the EAAMO Bridges community.

After you apply (by pressing the button below and filling out the form), our membership team will review and approve your application. You’ll be added to a mailing list for updates and events, and receive an invite to our Slack workspace.

Join EAAMO Bridges

Communication Workspaces: Our workspaces aim to support communication and activities within the community. Announcements, social events, and more will be shared through the mailing list and Slack. Slack also offers specialized discussion channels and groups.

Working Groups: EAAMO Bridges working groups consist of researchers working on practical problems. These groups meet every two weeks to discuss work and ideas. Membership for these groups is decided based on interest alignment and is reviewed each semester. To be a member of one of these groups (or one would like to propose a new group), one needs to fill out the form that will be distributed at the start of each semester.

All members must follow the EAAMO Code of Conduct, which emphasizes respect, compassion, understanding, and inclusion, especially in Slack discussions.