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Travel Support

We are very pleased to provide funds to subsidize the costs of registration, travel, and accommodation for presenters and for participants with limited funds and who do not typically attend the EC conference, including non-academic participants. Travel grants are limited and will be made available based on participant need and relevance to workshop. Awardees of the travel grants will have the opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary networking session with members of the broader MD4SG and EC community. Preference will be given to individuals who have submitted papers to the workshop or the EC conference before the travel grant submission deadline. We especially encourage those from underrepresented communities and institutions to submit a travel grant application.

All travel grant applications must be submitted by 15 April 2019 at 5 PM GMT; applications received after this date will not be considered.

Networking Breakfast: #

All travel grant awardees will have the opportunity to participate in an interdisciplinary networking breakfast, which will connect attendees that are new to the EC conference with the broader MD4SG and EC communities. The purpose of the breakfast is twofold: to orient new attendees, and to provide opportunities for the informal exchange of ideas across disciplines.

For new attendees, the focus of the breakfast will be to provide a gentle introduction to the ACM and EC communities. We will address questions such as what to expect and how to benefit from the workshop, and will also provide informal avenues for attendees to explore the relationships between algorithm and mechanism design and their areas of practical and academic expertise. For existing members of the EC community, the breakfast provides an opportunity to meet interested researchers, practitioners, and domain experts from adjacent communities.

Important Information: #

  • Travel Grant Application Deadline: 15 April 2019 at 5 PM GMT
  • Travel Grant: Application Form
  • Notification: 15 May 2019
  • Workshop Date: 28 June 2019