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UPDATE: The workshop will be held in room G449 in the Stata Center, and will be available to livestream at this link.

The full program of the workshop will take place on June 26 at the Ray and Maria Stata Center on MIT’s campus at 32 Vassar Street, Cambridge, MA 02139. A PDF of the program is available for download.

9:00-9:10Opening Remarks
9:10-9:50Invited Talk: Good Markets (Really Do) Make Good NeighborsScott Duke Kominers
9:50-10:10How (Not) to Allocate Affordable Housing [link]Nick Arnosti and Peng Shi
10:10-10:30Targeting High Ability Entrepreneurs Using Community Information: Mechanism Design In The FieldReshmaan Hussam, Natalia Rigol, and Benjamin Roth
11:00-11:40Invited Talk: Making Health Insurance Work through Market DesignMark Shepard
11:40-11:55Truthful Mechanisms for Medical Surplus Product Allocation* [link]Can Zhang, Atalay Atasu, Turgay Ayer, and Beril Toktay
11:55-12:10Opting Into Optimal Matchings* [link]Avrim Blum, Ioannis Caragiannis, Nika Haghtalab, Ariel Procaccia, Eviatar Procaccia, and Rohit Vaish
12:10-12:30Analysis of Medicare Pay-for-Performance Contracts [link]Hamsa Bastani, Mohsen Bayati, Mark Braverman, Ramki Gummadi, and Ramesh Johari
12:30-2:00Lunch and Poster Session
2:00-2:15A Personalized BDM Mechanism for Efficient Market Intervention Experiments*Imanol Arrieta Ibarra and Johan Ugander
2:15-2:30Mechanism Design with Financially Constrained Agents and Costly Verification* [link]Yunan Li
2:30-2:50Assortment Planning in School Choice [link]Peng Shi
2:50-3:30Invited Talk: Mechanism Design for EducationParag Pathak
4:00-4:15Demand Response Contract Design for Energy Markets* [link] and Generalizing Demand Response Through Reward Bidding* [link]Hongyao Ma, Reshef Meir, David C Parkes, and Valentin Robu
4:15-4:30Rules for Choosing Societal Tradeoffs* [link]Vincent Conitzer, Rupert Freeman, Markus Brill, and Yuqian Li
4:30-5:30Panel DiscussionAshish Goel, Carla P. Gomes, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Parag Pathak, and Glen Weyl

Poster Session:

  • “Affirmative Action, Percent Plans, and Segregation’s Impact on Minority Enrollment” by Michelle Jiang
  • “Designing Markets for Altruistic Supply” [[link]( Design Slonim Wang April 2017.pdf?dl=0)] by Robert Slonim and Carmen Wang
  • “Matching with Quantity” by David Delacretaz
  • “Near-feasible stable matchings with budget constraints” [link] by Yasushi Kawase and Atsushi Iwasaki
  • “Optimization-based Mechanisms for the Course Allocation Problem” by Hoda Atef Yekta and Robert Day
  • *will also present a poster